Join me January 29-30 for a BREAKTHROUGH EXPERIENCE that will cause a major shift in your life.

2024 WILL be your Comeback year!!

I'm Ready for Breakthrough!


Join me January 29-30 for a BREAKTHROUGH EXPERIENCE that will cause a major shift in your life.

2024 WILL be your Comeback year!!

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive and do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

Maya Angelou

Are you feeling stuck in life, wondering what your true purpose is, or feeling like something is missing? You know you're meant for more, but you're not quite sure how to get there. You are not alone.

I understand how frustrating it can be to feel like you're not living up to your full potential. That's why I created The Breakthrough Experience Masterclass – a powerful class designed to help you unlock your potential and discover your life purpose.

This Masterclass will give you the tools you need to find your calling and gain the confidence to go to the next level in your life!

Yes, It Really Is Possible For You!

Your TRANSFORMATION awaits you!

I'm Ready for My Comeback!


You struggle with belief in yourself. 

God has given you BIG VISION, but you cannot believe for it. You don't believe you deserve to have what you envisioned.

Your past is holding you back. 

You know you're purposed for GREATER but you allow your past to dictate your present. Your past continues to speak to you.

You lack clarity on how to move forward.

You know you're meant to make a mark on the world, but you don't have the clarity for how to take the first step.

You have missed countless opportunities.

You know the open door is for you, but you allow imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs to speak louder and talk you out of opportunities

Here's What You'll learn:

The Core

The key to lasting Breakthrough is your core self-image and self-concept. How you see yourSELF is undoubtedly how you will show up in every area of your life. Are you constantly hitting the "brick wall", feeling stuck and unfulfilled? Your Self-Concept must be in alignment with where you're wanting to go! During this Masterclass, I will help you identify the root of your invisible barriers and create a NEW story.

The self-concept is the driver of all action!

The Shift

The key to The Shift is growing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. At one point or another, you've told yourself things like "I'm not seen", "I'm not good enough", "I'm not valued"....and the list goes on. In this Masterclass you will learn to connect with your true identity, who you really are and were created to be.

Have you missed some of the biggest opportunities of your life? Most of the opportunities we don't take are because of the concept we have of "self". Negotiating for higher pay or a new position, requesting a raise on the job, making a different move in your career, stepping out into a new career or position....and so many more; these are the areas I find women most miss opportunities.

The Shift

The key to The Shift is growing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. At one point or another, you've told yourself things like "I'm not seen", "I'm not good enough", "I'm not valued"....and the list goes on. In this Masterclass you will learn to connect with your true identity, who you really are and were created to be.

Have you missed some of the biggest opportunities of your life? Most of the opportunities we don't take are because of the concept we have of "self". Negotiating for higher pay or a new position, requesting a raise on the job, making a different move in your career, stepping out into a new career or position....and so many more; these are the areas I find women most miss opportunities.

The Breakthrough

This is where transformation will unfold. You will elevate your decisions, habits and expectations to a new level. When you know who you are, you're decisions become easy. Indecision is an identity issue. This segment of the class is an opportunity to rewrite your stories, aligning them with the empowered self-concept you're stepping into. Clarity will dawn on your purpose, bringing a profound shift in your journey.

We have become His poetry, a re-created people that would fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus. Even before we were born, god planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it.

-Ephesians 2:10 TPT

What some of my clients said:

“FAB Life Coaching has changed my life and helped e work through a lot of issues I was having as well as guiding me to a brighter, more fulfilled life.

It has not only helped me to walk in my purpose, but it also reminded me of who God says I am.

I am so appreciative for this coaching, and I am confident that other women will also benefit.

This type of coaching is critical!!” 

- Colbi

“Coach Fe with FAB Life has been invaluable in confirming my purpose and calling by God. Fe has been blessed with a purpose and gift from God to help women... 

...she is part spiritual leader, cheerleader, thought provoker and has a masterful gift of knowing when to invoke these various skills to bring out the clarity of purpose and the desire that God has put in every one of us that we often have a hard time pinpointing on our own due to false lies, or pain.”

-Rose V.

Meet Your Coach  




Just call me Coach Fe! I am a Certified Life Coach and Breakthrough Strategist, specializing in Purpose.

My passion is to see women pursuing their purpose boldly and confidently; not allowing the pain of their past and fear to hold them back. I strongly believe a woman's POWER is in her PURPOSE!

Let me be honest...I was a MESS! I had no idea who I was, where I was headed and I wanted to end it ALL! I allowed the pain of my past to speak louder to me than what God has said about my future. I missed so many opportunities because of limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, self doubt and imposter syndrome, self-sabotaging behaviors...I could go on.

I found out that HOW I SAW MYSELF was holding me back!! I began to put my life back together and I only realized it as I looked back. My journey From Ashes to Beauty (FAB Life) has been a rough one, but a triumphant one nonetheless!

Through my Life/Purpose Coaching, I help women bridge the valleys that I've gone through. I coach so that other women don't have to suffer the same pitfalls that I did.

Come join me!

Yours In Purpose,

Coach Fe

There’s no better time to take control of your life and destiny than right now. The Breakthrough Experience Masterclass will give you the tools necessary for you to take inspired action.